Devleskero Kher Worship Team

Devleskero Kher church was founded in Kosice in 2000. It’s a multi-cultural fellowship, and on any Sunday you might find believers from Slovakia, Germany, the United States, Britain, and other countries. But because many of the members are Roma, music plays a vital role in the worship and life of the church. The worship team leads the music for worship each week, but also plays for services and events in other places.

Though some of the musicians in the group are trained, some are just naturally talented. “I don’t think everyone has to sing like a professional to worship,” says Leo Horvath, one of the group’s leaders. “If a person will open his or her heart, and sing from their heart with faith in God, then they will connect with God and experience him.”

Worship services are truly meaningful and emotional at Devleskero Kher, and the music is one of their primary ways of connecting to God. Singer Michael Turtak explains, “As a Roma, I have music in my heart, and it’s how I show my heart to God. If you can see yourself in that song you’re singing, then you really experience that connection. ‘Look, God, here I am. This is what I’m feeling right now.’”

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Ty si Boh (You are God)

Ty si Boh (You are God)

The song “You Are God” was written by Michal Turtak and is used in worship at the Devleskero Kher...

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